In Honour and memory of.
My muslim soul first started as an idea between me and my brother. Ironically, we wanted to sell islamic products but also leave tips and gems on our website so we could gain Sadaqah Jariah (ongoing charity). We thought we clocked a life hack, Deen and Dunya it was just perfect. I'll never forget the look & happiness in Abdullahi (Allah yerhamo)'s eyes when he believed he could win in both worlds. Fast forward to today, my brother has returned to Allah azzawajal as a Muslim soul. We didn't get to execute the idea together, but a seed was planted so it could continue long after his return to Allah. What we truly wanted came true, just not in the way we planned but we plan and Allah is the best of all planners. Abdullahi (Allah Yerhamo) was 24 years old, and in the short space of time he spent on earth he touched the lives, and hearts of many. He was a wise old soul, he treated people with kindness and respect. He gave people the benefit of the doubt. He wouldn't concern himself in the lives of others rather he was immersed in his life, his family and Allah. Abdullahi was a brave, strong young boy with a lions heart.
Allah yerhamo Abdullahi what a blessing it was to share such profound memories with you, to grow with you and to call you my brother. May Allah have mercy on Abdullahi and grant him Jannatul firdaws. May he make him amongst the righteous, the pious, the iliyun. May Allah forgive his sins intentional and unintentional and save him from the punishment of the grave. May Allah allow him to have the Barzakhs FINEST rewards until we meet again. Allahuma Ameen.
We did it Abdullahi!❤️
Started with you, we continued after you. Until the day we see you Insha'Allah.